FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions



What does DBGM mean?

DBGM is the acronym for Depressed Black Gay Men (DBGM), Inc., the organization’s official name. In 2016, the Board of Directors decided to only use the organization’s full name on legal documents, such as IRS reporting/filings, contracts, agreements, and on financial instruments, including checks.

What does DBGM do?

DBGM is committed to encouraging more conversations about breaking the shame and stigma surrounding mental health, especially in Black communities, where someone can feel comfortable to say, “I’m not doing okay. I need help,” and is not judged, discriminated against or in any way ostracized/marginalized. It is intended that conversations about a person’s mental health should be as common as talking about an upset stomach or a back ache.

Who does DBGM serve?

DBGM was founded primarily to provide an avenue for Black gay men, that is, any same-gender loving man who is a part of the African Diaspora, to work on his mental healing, become comfortable with himself, and with confidence impact and contribute to his immediate and extended communities. But, DBGM’s Board of Directors recognized that while the organization can be focused on Black gay men, there is a wider and larger community needing the same attention. To address this, the organization launched the In My Mind LGBTQ+ People of Color Mental Health Conference, which is an annual forum to raise and discuss mental health issues impacting these communities.